Why My White Gel is Discoloring and How to Prolong My White Gel

White gel nail polish is famous for its crisp and clean appearance, but users often encounter unsightly yellowing or discoloration, which can occur without warning. This issue tends to be more prevalent on the dominant hand and can arise shortly after application. The reasons for this color change are multifaceted, including exposure to sunlight and self-tan products, which can lead to a seasonal discoloration pattern.

Why does gel nail polish change color? What causes that horrible yellowing and other discoloration?
It happens now and then, mostly on your dominant hand, right?

Even if the gel has only been applied for a few days, we know how frustrating it can be. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to predict when or if it will occur.

Gel polish changes color for several reasons. Let’s discuss these reasons and possible solutions.

Self-tan and sunlight

Spending much time in the sun or using self-tanners can cause this. It is primarily a summer problem.

Since everyone tans differently, the discoloration will vary for everyone.


It’s common knowledge that smoking causes yellow teeth. The same happens to your nails, especially on your dominant hand.

If you’re a smoker, do you wonder why the gels change colors on the one hand? You probably hold your cigarette in that hand.

Chemical exposure

There’s no denying this. You probably thought of cleaning supplies first.

Yes, gel polish reacts to chemicals in cleaning supplies. However, there are less apparent chemicals that can also affect gel nails.

Your nails can be stained and discolored by makeup and skincare products.

Let’s not forget hair dye. Colored hair dyes stain your nails, and bleach discolors them.

Food Ingredients and Spices

Gel nails can become discolored if they are exposed to foods that contain high acid levels.

Other spices and ingredients can also stain your nails. These include turmeric, ghee, and tamarind.

Another obvious one is food colorants used in baking.

Contact With Chemicals Or Cleaning Agents To Prevent White Gel

Some skincare products, cleaning agents, and sanitizers contain harsh chemicals that can react with the gel and cause it to yellow more quickly.

Not only can they turn white gel yellow, but if you’ve ever wondered, “Does gel nail polish chip? ” This can also be caused by chemicals.

How to prevent white Gel nail polish from discoloring

Use gloves

Wear gloves when cleaning and cooking to prevent products from staining your nails.

Don’t expose yourself to the sun.

White nail polish will last longer if you don’t spend too much time in the sun when you have it on.

Hacks For Cleaning White Nail Polish

Unfortunately, preventing discoloration isn’t always possible.

White nail polish is bound to discolor or stain at some point. We are happy to give you hacks on fixing nail polish that has been stained or is losing its white color. This will restore the color and allow it to remain white for longer.

Remove nail polish with rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover

Gel nail polish is the main target of this hack.

The stain can be removed by soaking a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover.

Make sure you rub gently, as you don’t want to remove any gel nail polish. This method is also recommended when the stain is still relatively fresh.

Baking soda and lemon juice

Both baking soda and lemon are natural bleaching agents. Together, baking soda reacts with lemon’s acidity to help lift the stains faster.

Make a paste by mixing lemon juice with baking soda. Let the paste sit for a few minutes on your nails. With soapy water, wash off the paste.

Wash your nails with soapy water

You can lightly scrub your nails with soapy water if the stain or discoloration is not too intense and still relatively fresh.

Be gentle with the scrubbing. If you were too aggressive, you might wonder, “Why is my nail polish peeling off?”


Using hairspray helps remove hair dye from nail polish and tougher stains.

Spray the hairspray onto your nails and gently rub the stains off with a cotton pad. Then, wash your hands with soap and water.

This method is recommended more for gel than for regular nail polish. Hairspray is quite strong, so putting too much on could start to take off your nail polish.

It is best to be careful, start with only a tiny amount, and apply more if necessary.

Using tea tree oil 

Another natural stain remover is tea tree oil. For approximately 10 minutes, soak your nails in the tea tree oil.

If the stains don’t lift after the first round, then repeat it.

Make Use Of Sugar Scrubs

Use this hack if your nail polish has discoloration or stains caused by food or spices.

Brown sugar and coconut oil can be combined to create a sugar scrub. Add one tablespoon of water to one tablespoon of this scrub. Apply the mix to your nails and scrub off the stains to restore the polish’s white color.

The use of apple cider vinegar

Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of water. After mixing the two, soak a cotton pad in the mixture. Rub the cotton pad over your nail polish to remove the stains.

So, even though white nail polish can require some extra maintenance, there are ways to keep the beautiful white color and prolong the discoloration process for as long as possible.


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